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The Aztec capital The city of Mexico- was founded by the people in 1325. The old Mexica city that is now simply referred to as was built on an island in the center of the inland lake system of the, which it shared with a smaller city-state called. According to legend, the Mexicas' principal god,, indicated the site where they were to build their home by presenting an eagle perched on a cactus with a snake in its beak.

Between 1325 and 1521, Tenochtitlan grew in size and strength, eventually dominating the other city-states around Lake Texcoco and in the Valley of Mexico. When the Spaniards arrived, the Empire had reached much of, touching both the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. Spanish conquest [ ]. And entering Mexico City (1914) The capital escaped the worst of the violence of the ten-year conflict of the. The most significant episode of this period for the city was the February 1913 ('The Ten Tragic Days'), when forces counter to the elected government of staged a successful coup. The center of the city was subjected to artillery attacks from the army stronghold of the ciudadela or citadel, with significant civilian casualties and the undermining of confidence in the Madero government., chief general of the, saw a chance to take power, forcing Madero and Pino Suarez to sign resignations. The two were murdered later while on their way to.